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Ogma is available in two versions:

  • ogma.js standard version


Single HTML page

Download Ogma as archive from and extract it in your project folder. In your HTML page point to the ogma.js file.

In single-page applications, Ogma can be imported as a script:

<!-- Import Ogma -->
<script src="path/to/ogma.js"></script>

Module loaders

Ogma is compatible with module loaders and advanced front-end javascript frameworks. Please refer to the tutorials for more information.

If you wish to use Ogma within an application that uses a module loader or a NodeJS environment, we suggest you adding it as a dependency to your project. This can be done in two ways:

Through npm

If you are developing locally and can access the outside Internet you can also install directly.

npm install --save<VERSION>/?secret=<YOUR_API_KEY>

If you cannot use npm from external sources, because of company policy, you can always install it via tar.gz.

Using downloaded tar.gz

The same link used for the npm version can be used to download a tar.gz file: just past it into your browser to download the file. Once downloaded it is possible to tell npm to use it to install locally:

npm install --save path/to/ogma-v.X.X.X.tar.gz

ES module

Ogma is compatible with the UMD format and can be used also with the new ES module format

import Ogma from '@linkurious/ogma';


Ogma can be used in a Node.js server using the CommonJS convention:

// if you installed Ogma via npm CLI
import Ogma from '@linkurious/ogma';

// of if you downloaded the js file manually
import Ogma from 'path/to/ogma.js';