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First visualization

In this chapter, we will learn the basics of how to explore and visualize a graph database with Linkurious Enterprise.

About the dataset

This section of the manual and the following chapters are based on a dataset that emulates information used by investigators to fight fincrime.

The provided graph database has approximately 178 183 nodes and 3 203 993 edges. The graph contains 10 types of nodes:

  • persons
  • companies
  • loans
  • bank accounts
  • ATMs
  • addresses
  • emails
  • phones
  • phone numbers
  • ip addresses

Persons are linked to emails by the HAS_EMAIL edge.
Persons are linked to ip addresses by the HAS_IP_ADDRESS edge.
Persons are linked to loans by the HAS_LOAN edge.
Persons are linked to companies by the IS_OFFICER_OF edge.
Persons and companies are linked to phones by the HAS_PHONE_NUMBER edge.
Persons and companies are linked to addresses by the HAS_ADDRESS edge.
Persons and companies are linked to bank accounts by the HAS_BANK_ACCOUNT edge.
Companies are linked to each other bythe IS_SHAREHOLDER_OF edge.
Loans are linked to persons by the HAS_GUARANTOR edge.
Loans are linked to companies by the HAS_BROKER edge and the HAS_REALTOR edge.
Bank accounts are linked to each other by the HAS_TRANSFERED edge.

In order to follow this manual, we suggest you to download and install the dataset. Extract the archive and put its content in the folder [YOUR_NEO4J_FOLDER]/data/graph.db.