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First visualization

In this chapter, we will learn the basics of how to explore and visualize a graph database with Linkurious Enterprise.

About the dataset

This section of the manual and the following chapters are based on a dataset coming from Crunchbase. Crunchbase is a popular website that tracks the start-up ecosystem, especially companies and investors.

We have used Crunchbase to create a graph database of approximately 75 000 nodes and 250 000 edges. From this we have then created a subset of to focus on San Francisco Bay Area companies only. It contains 14 863 nodes and 47 090 edges. A graph contains 4 types of nodes:

  • cities
  • companies
  • investors
  • markets

Companies and investors are linked to cities by the HAS_CITY edge. Companies are linked to each other by the ACQUIRED edge. Investors and companies are linked to each other by the INVESTED_IN edge. Companies are linked to markets by the HAS_MARKET edge.

In order to follow this manual, we suggest you to download and install the dataset. Extract the archive and put its content in the folder [YOUR_NEO4J_FOLDER]/data/graph.db.