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Filters: Filter panel


Open the Filter panel using the funnel icon in the top-right corner. It contains:

  • Two tabs: "Nodes" and "Edges". Click on "Edges" to display the list of edge types.
  • The list of node categories currently detected in the visualization. Next to each category name, you can see:
    • A counter showing the number of nodes in the visualization matching that category.
    • A selection icon: by clicking on it you can select all the nodes matching that category.
    • A toggle button to hide all nodes matching that category.
  • For each node category (once unfolded) its list of properties.
  • A second tab to display the list of edge-types in the visualization.

Property types

The type of a property is represented with the icon next to the property name.

There are 5 possible types:

  • String
  • Number
  • Date or Datetime
  • Enumeration
  • True/False

If the property type was not set in the Schema, it was automatically detected by the visualization as a String or a Number property.

If it is not detected as the correct type, you may change it by clicking on the type icon.

Filter on node-categories or edge-types

Click on the toggle button next to a category to hide all the nodes matching that category.

All "hidden" nodes are displayed in light grey in the visualization.

Click the toggle again to show those nodes again in the visualization.

Filter on properties

To filter on properties, unfold a property in the category tree. Filtering options depend on the property type.

Filter on String

For a String property, all values found in the visualization are listed. For each value:

  • A counter shows the number of nodes in the visualization matching that property value.
  • A selection icon: by clicking on it you can select all the nodes matching that property value.
  • A toggle button to hide all nodes matching that property value.

Also a "Missing values" row is displayed when some nodes don't have that property.

Filter on Enumerations

Enumerations accept only the authorized values declared in the Schema. All other values are considered as "invalid". Nodes that don't have the property are considered as "missing values".

Filter on True/False

True/False accept only "true" and "false" values. All other values are considered as "invalid". Nodes that don't have the property are considered as "missing values".

Filter on Number

The chart displays all the property values taken by the nodes that hold a value for that property.

By clicking on the "+" icons, you can filter based on the property value by adding a lower bound and/or an upper bound:

  • Any node whose property value is below the lower bound is hidden.
  • Any node whose property value is above the upper bound is hidden.

It is possible to:

  • Change manually the value of the bound using the text input.
  • Remove one of those bounds by clicking on the trash icon.

Nodes in the visualization:

  • Either hold a numeric value for that property: they count as "valid" values.
  • Or don't have this property: they count as "missing" values.
  • Or hold a value of some other type: they count as "invalid" values.

It is possible to hide all nodes that have a missing value or an invalid value. They are displayed by default.

Filter on Date or Datetime

Date and Datetime properties can only be filtered using the Timeline.