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Email Notifications: Configuration

To enable, disable and customise the email notifications go to Admin > Global configuration.

The following options are available in the email configuration key:

  • alertNotifications (default: false): This is the feature activation parameter. Its default value false will disable the feature completely while true would enable the feature. Keep in mind that in order for the feature to work properly the rest of the parameters should also be successfully set.

  • newCasesDigestNotificationFrequency (default: 0 9 * * *): This is a parameter which refers to the time interval you would wish to receive a digest email at. This parameter is a cron expression. The default value stands for 9:00 AM daily.

  • caseAssignmentNotificationFrequency (default: */10 * * * *): This is a parameter which refers to the maximum time interval before the user is notified if they got assigned to a case. This parameter is a cron expression. The default value stands for a time interval of 10 minutes.

  • caseMentionNotificationFrequency (default: */10 * * *): This is a parameter which refers to the maximum time interval before the user is notified if they got mentioned in a comment in a case of an alert. This parameter is a cron expression. The default value stands for a time interval of 10 minutes.

  • visualizationNotifications (default: false): This is the feature activation parameter. Its default value false will disable the feature completely while true would enable the feature. Keep in mind that in order for the feature to work properly the rest of the parameters should also be successfully set.

  • visualizationMentionNotificationFrequency (default: */10 * * *): This is a parameter which refers to the maximum time interval before the user is notified if they got mentioned in a comment in a visualization. This parameter is a cron expression. The default value stands for a time interval of 10 minutes.

  • fromEmail: This is the parameter for the sender's email address.

  • mailer: This is the configuration object which will contains all the required properties for sending emails.

    • type (default: smtp): This parameter refers to the email protocol used. Linkurious Enterprise only supports smtp for the moment.

    • host (default: Refers to the server address of your mail service provider.

    • port (default: 25): Port number for the email server.

    • ssl (default: false): if true, the connection will use TLS when connecting to the email server. If false, TLS is used if the email server supports the STARTTLS extension. In most cases set this value to true if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it false.

    • allowSelfSigned (default: false): If true self-signed certificates are enabled.

    • auth (optional): The credentials to connect to the mail server.

      • user (default: ): The username (e.g. the Email Address)
      • password (default: password): The password, it is recommended to provide the password as an environment variable.

Example of email configuration

  "alertNotifications": true,
  "newCasesDigestNotificationFrequency": "0 0 9 * * ?",
  "caseAssignmentNotificationFrequency": "*/10 * * * *",
  "caseMentionNotificationFrequency": "*/10 * * * *",
  "visualizationNotifications": true,
  "visualizationMentionNotificationFrequency": "* * * * *",
  "fromEmail": "",
  "mailer": {
    "type": "smtp",
    "host": "",
    "port": 25,
    "ssl": false,
    "allowSelfSigned": false,
    "auth": {
      "user": "",
      "password": "password"